I’ve been struggling with lots of things recently. My life kind of fell apart for a while last year (I know, we all had our problems) but I’m claiming extra issues. I realised just how bad it had been when I undertook a presentation at a networking group I was in. While researching the information I wanted to discuss, I realised something that shocked even me. I was looking at the various different stressors that occur to people in their life. I realised with not inconsiderable surprise that out of the ten most stressful events you can experience in your life, within twelve months I had encountered seven. I’d completed one of them twice, so you could count eight. For those that aren’t aware of these events, here’s the list.
- Death of a loved one
- Separation or divorce
- Getting married
- Starting a new job
- Workplace stressors
- Financial worries
- Moving to a new home
- Chronic illness or injury
- Retirement
- Transitioning to adulthood
I didn’t retire, get married or transition to adulthood (some might say I’m still waiting on that one), but I moved house twice. With four children. In a volatile market. That was fun. I certainly have everything else on that list.

I have been floundering for a few months it’s true. Not properly focused on any one thing and it’s caused me additional stress. However I have come to realise that some things are constant. There it is. My old friend chronic illness. I also realise that writing about this really helps other people. We have received messages from people all over the world that find solace in knowing they’re not alone. I find it a huge blessing to know that just sitting here writing these words might just help someone out there realise they’re not the only one struggling in all of this.
Because sometimes we all struggle. Some more than others. It may be invisible, it might be more obvious, but it’s there. So many people that know me just see a brazen, loud, confident woman bursting with joie de vivre. They don’t see me crying over nothing, lying awake worrying how I’m going to continue to pay for everything, or that inwardly I’m in fear that really everyone thinks I’m a bit stupid and wasting my time.
Yet I will refocus. I will redouble my efforts and get back on track. I’ve had my lull, my period of hopelessness and it’s time to find me again. Because I’m not one to give in, despite it looking like an incredibly easy path.
On that note you will notice that we have added a button for a service called Patreon. Yes, it’s a request for support and assistance, but we honestly cannot continue to keep writing and consistently provide content without help. We considered adverts, but want to keep this advertisement free. The reality is that to ensure we can invest the time that Good Moves needs, we also need you. Please consider joining to help us continue in our fight to overcome negativity around this awful thing we call Parkinson’s.
Let’s do this together.
Until next time, Kitty.
First twenty signups will receive a handwritten postcard from Kitty and Emma. Get going now! 🙂

Kitty Fitton is a motivational speaker, MC and comedian. She is also a full-time blogger and writer. She is mother to four small people and was very cross to discover she had Parkinson’s Disease.
Find out more at her personal site below.

Emma Kyriacou is a real-life ninja. Taking up Karate to help fight her Parkinson’s Disease, she’s co-founder of Good Moves and is passionate about promoting exercise to improve mobility and neuroplasticity. (Is that a word? It should be.)
Find out more at her personal site below.