
I was recently asked what the progression of parkinson’s was like. I had to think about it for some time. I replied truthfully, if perhaps not acurately. I replied with my truth, which may not be entirely satisfactory from a medical point of view, yet I feel is still valid.

I told my friend that for me it was slow, which was good. That I denied it was there, which works for me. I try to not think too hard about what lies ahead, which is very true, and that I fought it. I do fight it, yet that’s also often easier said than done. however, it’s also true that nothing seems to boost your mobiliy like a solid week of daily physio and / or exercise. I am not someone that enjoys exercise. I am by nature indolent, and like most people past forty I too had begun to accept that geting older also meant I could no longer do things I could in my 20’s.

Hello diagnosis.

Nothing kicks you up the jacksy quite like realising if you don’t move, don’t exercise, don’t keep going, then maybe you really will stop. I am incredibly lucky in that exercise and drugs seem to help a lot in controlling my progression. You would imagine that I would never stop bouncing around.

Yet life is also complicated and difficult sometimes and it’s all too easy to slip into bad habits. I know people with Parkinson’s and similar Parkinson-like afflictions that allow themselves to slide further into bad health. They complain that it’s difficult, it hurts, it’s not what they want to do. Their disorder / disease / etc is hard to manage. They simply accept that they have something awful and they cope with their day to day with drugs, rest and not fighting back. They decline. They say there is nothing they can do.

It is a fight. It is painful and difficult and hard. I despise my exercise. Yet I despise Parkinson’s more. The way I begin to limp when my drugs wear off, the slowness I sometimes experience. It’s scary and awful and now I notice the joy of early morning joint pain in my left knee. I’d go to the doctor, but they’d just say ‘you have Parkinson’s’ and leave it at that. I’ve taken to, you’ve guessed it, exercise to help.

Finally, I have been spurred on to write again after a break. I discovered recently that Parkinson’s advocate and all-round amazing inspirational campaigner Alex Flynn passed away late last year. I dealt with Alex round ‘World Parkinson’s Day 2021.’ I found him so inspiring and engaging. He made me laugh, he made me cry. I was moved by his kindness. He told me to ‘Don’t stop, never stop.’

Next time you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, or maybe while watching TV or even having a chat with someone ask yourself, can I fit in ten repetitions of an exercise / stretch a bit? Can you get up early and go for a bike ride? A walk? You’ll be amazed at the improvement from such small things.

I have found life hard sometimes, but there are always bright shiny moments to be found if you look for them.

From little acorns do mighty oak trees grow. Never stop trying.

Until next time. Kitty.

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